Phantom Words

by Geeta Johal


Syd searches for the daily crossword, he folds the paper on the kitchen table and clicks open his pen.

Sadie pours herself a cup of coffee.

There's a pile of dishes from the night before, soaking in brown water. Syd's clothes hang over the furniture to dry. His empty beer bottles are stacked in a pyramid by the door.

Sadie peels off a wet t-shirt from the dining chair. There's a gnawing feeling in her stomach, she wonders if there will ever be enough room for her in Syd's apartment. Sadie takes a sip of coffee and lets out a sigh.

Syd chews on his pen.

Sadie fidgets with her bracelet, twisting it over her wrist. He always feels so distant, she thinks. She folds her arms on the table and fixes her gaze on Syd. Just tell him what you're thinking. C'mon, stop stalling!

Syd sees Sadie looking in his direction; he gives her a polite smile and returns to his crossword.

Sadie clears her throat. "Syd we've been going out for about six years. How do you think things are going?"

Six across, a place you fetch water out of.

Syd tilts his head and writes into squares. "Well!"

Sadie bites her lip. "I need more out of this relationship. I'm twenty-seven. I want to get married and have a family. Do you see me as just a girl you sleep with? How do you really feel about me? Where do you see us three years from now?"

Twenty–seven down, a five-letter word starts with A, found in a grocery store, he thinks.


Three across, type of sheep, type of sheep? Type of sheep? Type of…….

"Of ewe."

"I love you too," she smiles. "I wasn't sure if you felt the same way. We've been together for so long…don't you think it's time we got serious? How do you feel about getting engaged?"

Seventeen across, found at a beach starts with an S.


Sadie's eyes grow wide. "Really? I had no idea you felt this way! Maybe we can set a date? What works for you?"

Thirteen down, month named after Cesar.


Sadie flashes a nervous smile. "That's so soon…I mean I would only have two months to plan the wedding but if you're ready…"

Two across, the river runs its ______.


"Of course we are!" Sadie leaps out of her chair and kisses him on the cheek. "I can't wait! I have to call my mother and tell her we're getting married!

Syd finishes his crossword, puzzled.

Geeta Johal is a fiction writer from Montreal. She was selected for the 2021 QWF fiction mentorship program and is a 2019 Disquiet Alumni. Her previous publications include The Carnival in Esoterica Magazine. When she is not writing, she can often be found checking out live concerts, boxing, or reading. Follow her on Instagram @gj_writer or contact her on Linkedin (Geeta Johal Writer) for inquiries related to her work.


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