
by Anna Genevieve Winham

Having determined that the middles of things are the worst parts of things (examples: stomachs, midtown, the Midwest, plot) and the edges the most interesting (examples: genitals, fingertips, beaches, last words) a woman came to the natural conclusion that the absolute perfect form of food is the Möbius strip style bagel (doughnuts also acceptable). The surface area to volume ratio should always be maximized. Unfortunately I cannot truly wrap my head around a Möbius strip. Neither could the woman, who starved to death.

Editor-in-Chief at Passengers Journal, Anna writes at the crossroads of science and the sublime, cyborgs and the surreal. A Poetry Editorial Co-Lead for Oxford Public Philosophy and a performer with the Poetry Society of New York, Anna is also Ninth Letter's 2020 literary award winner in Literary Nonfiction, Mikrokosmos 2020 Poetry Contest's 3rd place winner, Writer Advice Flash Fiction Contest's 2020 3rd place winner, and was long-listed for the 2020 Penrose Poetry Prize. Her prose appears in Brooklyn Magazine, Meetinghouse Magazine online, Rock & Sling, Gold Man Review, and others. You can find her poetry in Meniscus, Wild Roof Journal, High Shelf Press, Cathexis Northwest Press, OROBORO, and others. While attending Dartmouth College (which was the pits), she won the Stanley Prize for experimental essay and the Kaminsky Family Fund Award. She can be reached at


The Rippling Pane


Serial Killer Woman Chefs who are Vegans